Regular readers would know I’ve been waiting for a sticker to arrive from Mercedes Benz in Germany following repairs to Yemmy. It has finally arrived and I’ve stuck it on as requested, and I’m sure Yemmy will run much better with this in place under his bonnet!

Taking the scenic – and longer – way home from Ararat, Vic, the other day I couldn’t resist stopping at the top of a hill and capturing the view of the distant Grampians. The whole road from Ararat to Pomonal abounds with great views and a couple of peaceful little villages.
While travelling further along this road I came across a road sign that pointed to a caravan park intriguingly called ‘Grampians Paradise’. Its full title is ‘Grampians Paradise Camping and Caravan Parkland’, and of course I was intrigued and had to brave the few kilometres of gravel and, in some parts, severe corrugations to have a look at what was on offer.

I found a very large and peaceful campsite with huge sites and adequate, if not modern, amenities. There were not too many visiting campers when I called but host Aiden told me they are often booked out for holidays, including their vintage on-site caravans.
With up close views of the Grampians, visits from lots of wildlife and no noisy traffic-clogged highways within cooee, it’s certainly a place for relaxing. There are details and pricing on its website,, and its Facebook page,
My own impression was that the park was quite expensive for the age of the amenities available and I wasn’t impressed by the charge of $5 for each person just visiting for the day.
Nonetheless, the park is at 443 Long Gully Road, Pomonal, Halls Gap, Vic, for readers who are interested.
My own website,, contains a lot of useful links and I recently was sent a few more links that would be quite useful for those of us who were born a while ago.
Here they are:
The Most Common In-Home Injuries for Seniors and How to Prevent Them
Fire Safety for Elders with Special Health Needs
Preparing Your Home for a Loved One with Alzheimer’s: A Caregiver’s Guide
44 Crime Prevention Tips for Seniors
Handicap Accessible Modifications That Won’t Turn Off Future Homebuyers
How To Garden Safely When You’re A Senior
I recently came by a lovely new pressure cooker – at least, it was new when it was bought in 1970. It looked as though it had never been used and was in its original box complete with the five-year warranty card.
I tried it out and it burnt dry! When I looked closely I found that the safety valve had let all the steam out without it ever getting to jiggle the weight. It was worth getting a new safety valve and, surprise, surprise, they still make and sell Hawkins cookers, and I soon had a new valve installed. This time I tried it with just water and it worked a treat.
Inspired by this I chopped up some lamb for a fricassee – ooh I do use some big words. The recipe called for some flour and stock, so I mixed the flour with the stock. Big mistake! The flour should have been used to coat the lamb before browning it but it must have made a paste when the contents got hot, so there was no liquid left and once again it boiled dry and the safety valve again needs renewing. Nice one, Murphy!
My American friends who are exploring New Zealand sent me this pic.
Yesterday I lashed out and treated Yemmy to four new tyres. With two new ones on the front recently and now these matching ones on the dual wheels at the back, he’s getting ready for our proposed around-Oz trip starting soon.
With the Australian Caravan Club holding its National Muster and AGM in Denmark, WA, in October, there are lots of members taking the opportunity to go the long way and do a full lap to get there while seeing lots more of this great country.
See you down the track.