ACC on the Grow

The ACC Drovers enjoy bush camping. Pic: Rob Tudor.

The Australian Caravan Club (ACC) formed three new branches in March.

“March saw a significant increase in branches for our club, with the ACC board approving two new branches in Victoria, and one new branch in Western Australia,” said ACC chairman Craig Humphrey. “This now brings the total number of branches in the ACC to 45.

“The Bushrangers branch formed when a group of our Victorian members who enjoy bush camping decided to form a branch focussing on camping ‘off the grid’ and in the bush.

“The idea of bush camping became so popular that the branch kept growing and finding suitable bush camp venues capable of taking the increasing number of RVs for branch musters became more and more restrictive with that growth. So it was agreed by the members to split the branch into two and with that, the Drovers was formed.”

From left: Jenni Michael, Kylie and Jason Hawkins, Terry and Pam Hawkins, and Paul Smith each played a major role in the formation of the Great Ocean Roadsters. Pic: Terry Hawkins.

Meanwhile, the formation of the Great Ocean Roadsters, also in Victoria, was the result of the “tremendous efforts of club officials Terry Hawkins, Dennis Carstairs, and Lionel Mussell after a successful media campaign to which they all contributed”.

“Branch ‘driver’ Terry approached me late last year about starting up an ACC branch for RVers living in the Warrnambool region. Our Great Ocean Roadsters have now held their inaugural meeting and its members are looking forward to their first official muster at Beaufort from May 19 to 21,” Mr Humphrey said.

He said that in early March, the ACC board approved the formation of its sixth Western Australian branch, the South West Wanderers.

“Western Australia continues to see our club’s fastest growth in membership and since its formation, the branch has continued to grow with an influx of new members.

“Our South West Wanderers branch is the first branch to be established outside the Perth metropolitan area. It will service members living in the Bunbury, Busselton, Dunsborough, Margaret River, Augusta and surrounding districts.

“Congratulations to all the members of the Drovers, Great Ocean Roadsters, and South West Wanderers and their respective committees.”

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