big lap

Guide: Planning the Big Lap

Your dream is about to come true: that longed-for lap around Australia is within reach. But before you hit the dirt, there is planning to do. Regardless of how much time you’ll have on...

Easter on the Road

It's Easter time, so I asked a number of travellers what they were doing for the holiday. And, of course, the really hard questions, like how to keep the Easter Bunny secret in a...

Fired up!

What a busy month! Since I last shared my adventures with you a lot has happened – mostly good but one a bit scary. The scary one was when I attended the 10th anniversary muster...

Legend of the Wallaby

I often look for different ways to get home – as they say, a change is as good as a rest. Leaving Ararat, Vic, and heading home via Pomonal, I couldn't resist stopping to video...

JHub Gets Even Smarter

Our TVs, our sound systems and even our houses… for many of us, they’re all controlled by an app on our smartphone. Welcome to the 21st century. It was only a matter of time before...
Halls Gap

Signs of Silliness

I'm on the permanent free coffee list at the Halls Gap Lakeside Caravan Park, Vic, and when I called in recently, owner Josephina was keen to show me the park’s latest improvement – another...

Caught napping!

I was getting ready to do the washing when a ping told me I had an email. Oh dear – it was the editor asking for my column and I hadn't written a word! So...


Great green snakes, slithering black and red snakes, frightening brown snakes and constricting pythons, they all have every one of us caught in a sea of fear, chilled to the bone at the very...

Be Prepared

Have you ever tried to get duplicates of precious documents such as marriage certificates and proof of citizenship? Getting involved in government departments is a frustrating business. There have been many natural disasters early this...

Lego Caravan World Record

It’s said that memories of childhood are the dreams that stay with you after you wake. For me, my childhood dreams were of blocks of plastic, each with eight little nobly bits on one...